About Virginia's Eastern Shore

Welcome to Virginia’s beautiful Eastern Shore – truly a land of exciting contrasts!! Nestled between the sandy shores of the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean, this slender rural peninsula is a serene coastal area still untouched by the hustle and bustle of modern urban life. Here you can still enjoy the ambiance of our quaint little towns and the preservation of our wide open spaces. Yet the metropolitan amenities of Virginia Beach and Norfolk are only about 45 minutes away.
Virginia Eastern Shore History-
Virginia’s Eastern Shore, discovered in 1603 by Captain John Smith, made famous by Pocahontas, and settled by the Virginia Company of London, is virtually brimming with history, but few other areas in the U. S. have sustained the depth of history the “Shore” still encompasses. This can be credited solely to that factor that sets our area apart from all other early French and English settlements: the majestic Chesapeake Bay. Nothing has influenced the Shore historically more than this great body of water, and nothing influences us more in our contemporary society.
The Chesapeake Bay is the world’s largest bay. Historically, the Bay separated the settlers from the mainland, thereby separating them from the constant supervision of James Town and Mother England. This separation enabled Shore settlers a sort of autonomy in their daily lives and allowed them to develop a satisfying sense of self-reliance. These factors are still very much a part of Shore life today.
The Bay made the Shore seem like the Garden of Eden to the early settler, and still today, because of the Bay the Shore enjoys a moderate yet four season climate. The same huge masses of warm air that came off the Bay and warmed the Shore pushed storms to the far sides of the Barrier Islands. The Bay made the soils a rich, sandy loam and provided endless flora and fauna to feed the settlers and the Native Americans alike. People found that they could catch huge sea dwelling fish in the safety of the Bay waters. How have these things changed through the years? They have not. We still enjoy the moderate climate, the Barrier Island protection from storms and the abundant wildlife. In fact, most of our citizens still work in agriculture or aquaculture today.
The Bay provides a sort of intangible history, one you can’t exactly put your finger on, but the Shore has tangible history too. The Northampton County Courthouse is the oldest U.S. repository of continuous court records dating back to 1632. The Accomack County Courthouse has the second oldest.

These public buildings are an exquisite example of tangible, accessible history. But we cannot even think of the Eastern Shore of Virginia without thinking of the literally hundreds of homes and farms that span the centuries. These graceful ladies have watched over the Shore long before England believed this would be a permanent settlement. The Majority of the truly historic homes on the Eastern Shore are still operational private residences and many are in the same families that first received land grants from King James or land gifts from the King of the great Accomack Indians, Debedeavon. And many are on view to the public during “Garden Week” every April. It is with pride that we say today, one cannot drive a 10 mile stretch of Highway 13 without passing a home or farm that was built centuries earlier and is still someone’s warm hearth today.
Virginia Eastern Shore Tourism
Video courtesy Virginia Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce
Eastern Shore Medical Services Providers
News Release 03/27/2021- Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital (RSMH) is proud to announce it was recently named one of the Top 20 Rural and Community Hospitals in the country by the National Rural Health Association (NRHA). This prestigious accolade is earned by the tremendous dedication of Riverside staff to bring the best possible health care delivery to the Eastern Shore.
Click on an image to visit their website
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